ICT Services

Information & Communications Technology Services

Safe & Smart City Solution

In line with its strategy of “being integrated,” OMA Global focuses on the infrastructure layer, enables the platform layer, and aggregates the service layer to drive the healthy development of the Smart City ecosystem. In this context, OMA Global provides its customers and partners with a world-leading ICT infrastructure featuring advanced technologies and high reliability.

Data Center

An integrated system that provides the service of storing information and data and securing its full protection and the protection of its transfer to the related entities, which is considered an essential part of the e-government projects:

Installation in buildings according to demand and area, Integrated systems inside containers, Reducing the required space, increase in storage units, Double data protection, Ease of use, operation and maintenance, Possibility of linking according to standard specifications, The possibility of adding new units and expanding the network, Integrated cooling solutions for the system, Remote monitoring and control of the system, Training of cadres, Government / private sector.

Conference Meeting Rooms

Several types of devices for large and medium sized conference rooms.
Provides a cinema-level conference experience with its ultra-wide panoramic view, integrated with video conferencing, surveillance and data information system, which provides a complete conference view to facilitate decision making.

Wired & Wireless Communications

Provide, installation, operation, maintenance and expansion of all telecommunication systems.
Various types and models of switch and the flexibility of connectivity and work on all systems with high standard specifications for a variety of specifications and capacities, Microwave External and internal devices with high specifications at different frequencies and measurements, ease of installation eLTE systems Integrated solutions for a network of wireless communications for various fields and many services with high quality calls and data transmission, protection from breaches, wide coverage range, manufactured according to the required frequency and site detection of sites, the possibility of development, update and expansion.


Integrated multi-solution system to link state departments in various fields, fast performance, protection against breaches, Save and archiving documents electronically, speed of completion of transactions, electronic signatures, implementation and operation of government systems and programs.
Keeping official documents and communications, electronic signature, Electronically Follow up and Approvals, Electronically Completing transactions, Follow-up actions, Limit the Authorizations, Speed performance, Protection against violations, Usability Ease of use, The possibility of future expansion, Costs Reduce costs.

IP Phones

Supplying various types of IP Phone with different models and details, with their own switches for buildings, residential complexes and hotels.